Projects with this topic
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox (AMDiS), a discretization module on top of the Dune framework.
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Solving second-order elliptic Partial Differential Equations (PDE) using Isogeometric Finite Element Methods (IG-FEM) with Non-uniform rational basis splines (NURBS) mappings of piece-wise polynomial basis functions. Convergence and spatial regularity guaranteed.
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Theory on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations using multi-scale Finite Element Methods (FEM)
Fine-Scale Green's Function for Advection-Diffusion Equation Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Incompressible Stokes Equations
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Implementation of the Mixed Hybrid Finite Element Method using the Template Numerical Library
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An implementation of the Helmholtz equation for FEniCS in the context of acoustics, with examples.
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Finite element discretization on Cartesian grids with the fast Fourier transform-based preconditioner.
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Simulations of the temporally interfering electric field distribution using realistic brain models from the Population Head Model (PHM) repository, with the aim of creating a personalized (optimized) treatment planning.
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A chonk scooter is a recumbent scooter/cycle with wide wheels and negative trail steering based on the python-lowracer. The design goals include adjustable dimensions to accommodate passengers up to 2 meters tall and weighing up to 180 kg.
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