Projects with this topic
The python-native Latina Conservatory version of the SMS (Spectral Modeling Synthesis) tools developed by Xavier Serra in his Phd thesis in 1989.
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C function to resample unevenly distributed X/Y data into evenly spaced X (so you can use FFT, filters, etc)
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Real-time spectrogram plotter (C++)
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A simple Software Define VLF Receiver using a sound card.
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A Software Define VLF Receiver using a sound card.
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A simple Software Define VLF Receiver using a sound card.
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presentations, code examples, skeleton code for student projects
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Finite element discretization on Cartesian grids with the fast Fourier transform-based preconditioner.
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An IoT product based on FreeRTOS, using CoAP for communication, changing a LED band's colors at 60Hz based on audio frequency and amplitude, captured using a microphone (at 44.1 kHz).
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Led strip visualizer via bluetooth served in an Android application!
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uses Niezgoda Groups Mesoscale EVP/forge code to model strain evolution around pits.
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Image Processing done in subject VBA(Vision Based Automation)
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This is attempt to transpose music to brain rhythms
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Command line audio editing using C++, FFTW and SFML.