Projects with this topic
Bubble Blaster: Java Edition. Is a completely revamped version of the original game. Note that this is a private project, and should not be shared.
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ParcoursupHelper est une application destinée à rendre le traitement des dossiers d'admission Parcoursup plus simple pour les enseignants.
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PDF viewer with JavaFX and PDF.js (sample project)
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EPUB-Editor written with JavaFX 11
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Projecte desenvolupat pels instituts Rambla Prim (Barcelona) i Eugeni d'Ors (Vilafranca del Penedès) guardonat amb l'ajuda de la III Convocatòria d'ajudes a la formació professional per part de la Fundació FPEmpresa - Dualiza Bankia.
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Order Management System prepared for the Programming Techniques Course, in the 2nd year, 2nd semester.
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ENG : JavaFX app for a shop and storage management using a JSON file as the main database.
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Graphical interface for developing custom Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (atributes, pictures and script) for the YGOPro game simulator.
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eng: SyAn (short for SyndromAnsatz - syndrome approach in german) is a graph editor targeted at student teachers.
de: SyAn (SyndromAnsatz) ist ein Grapheneditor, welcher die Systemkompetenz von Lehramtsstudierenden fördern soll.
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A JavaFX application I have created in an attempt to improve my online account security
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Woche 2 - 1. Projekt Vorgaben: JavaFX und Canvas um eigenes Projekt zu erstellen. Thema: Java Pub Quiz - Zur Bedienung bitte die ReadMe.Datei zur Hilfe nehmen.
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(THIS HAS MOVED TO GITHUB: The Excel to ODM XML Converter is a JavaFX program designed to convert Clinical Excel sheet data into ODM XML format that can then be uploaded to a REDCap database.
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Ohjelmistotuotantoprojekti kurssilla Javalla toteutettu opettajan työkalu