Projects with this topic
Raster fonts creating, editing, preview and generating C code to include into embedded software project
Создание и редактирование растровых шрифтов, предпросмотр образцов текста, генерирование кода C
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A simple Sudoku game using FreePascal & Lazarus
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TdxDBGridController is a non visual component with no dependencies providing added functionalities for the TDBGrid object.
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FreePascal code to display data lists in TListView / TTreeView / TComboBox(Ex) with a single assignment.
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Eine "fpcupdeluxe" Installation auf ein externes Laufwerk verschieben.
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NKE code serves as a tool to visualize base nuclear physical properties (half-life, neutron reaction cross-sections, the data on radioactive decay channels, etc.) and to analyze the information on the total radioactive isotope set as a single whole. Such analysis may appear extremely useful at a choice of new perspective nuclides for the specific practical application. The convenient form of such information representation is the format of widely known nuclide chart ('Karlsruher Nuklidkarte').
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hainSolver code is designed for nuclide transmutation simulation, spontaneous decays or with account of neutron irradiation. The depression of a thermal neutrons flux, resonance self-shielding of isotopes during an irradiation, and the irradiation schedule (the schedule of the reactor work and rearrangement of an irradiated target in various positions) are taken into account.
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MySQL2OOB code serves as a tool to convert data from MySQL database (test_2003_mdb.sql - half-life, neutron reaction cross-sections, the data on radioactive decay channels, etc.) for other ORIP_XXI codes. Under development!
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ChainFinder code is to search for transmutation chains that could be realized for isotope production by means of neutron irradiations.
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Lazarus Pascal form Generic template for forms projects in Lazarus Pascal on Linux/ReactOS/GhostBSD using native controls
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A FreePascal package for Lazarus IDE that provides several modules for customizing GUI applications and implementing standard application functionality: AppTuner, AppSettings, AppLocalizer
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A FreePascal package for Lazarus IDE that implements several classes for updating your application by using single zip archive from online repository
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Full-featured powerful terminal and plotter for serial port
Продвинутый терминал и плоттер для последовательного порта
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Wireguard & sshfs UI for macOS command line tools
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Demo REST API client for Laravel API backend
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A windows deskband to show some information in the windows taskbar
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The Lazarus package that implements TImageSVGList component - a list of SVG images instead of regular bitmaps such as TImageList