Projects with this topic
Display a visualization of nuclear radiation with an animated bohr model and the ability to control when and how an atom radioactivly decays.
This is program I wrote/am writing for my CMIS 201 course, in association with my high school chemistry teacher.
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Data logger based on the Arduino DUE with SD card, OLED display, real time clock, SDI-12 and I2C interface, GSM and LoRa telemetry implementation.
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The nCatcher project realizes an Arduino-based readout for proportional counters with pulse height and pulse length analysis.
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The SiPM Trigger project realizes an Arduino-based coincidence readout of SiPMs
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A set of not-yet-compiled FORTRAN (95) programs which solve Nuclear Engineering Problems (Results of a FORTRAN Course).
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A tool for Nuclear Fuel Cycles that can process SIMULATE output files and help to automatically or manually generate new input files for the next cycle with assemblies shuffled and/or swapped, includes availability of poisons.
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Reactor core fuel assembly rotation tool for SIMULATE input files which describe an octant-symmetrical core layout of assemblies
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An old project in which the task was to find concentrations of nuclides interrelated via nuclear reactions in a specific thermal neutron flux, with other specific properties for each nuclide.
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Java program to calculate data for an arbitrary parent-daughter decay chain with varying initial conditions and half lives
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NE402 semester project