Projects with this topic
A tool to display pinouts for various (hopefully every* eventually) microcontrollers, connectors, dev boards, etc. Very much a work in progress both code and lack of pinouts available
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Prothèse de main myoélectrique open source. La prothèse est controlée par la contraction des musvles de l'avant-bras de la personne amputée en utilisant des électrodes. Le chef de projet est une personne amputé considérée "patient expert". La prothèse est conçu et fabriquée par la voie solidaire et éducative grâce à l'implication bénévoles (makers, ingénieurs, entreprises, lycée techniques...)
L'objectif est de rendre les prothèse d'avant-bras plus accessibles et acceptables.
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Carpeta de Programación de Dispositivos Electrónicos
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The main project for OctoMY™ - Ready-to-run robot software
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A perl script to analyse, generate and update logic IC test data for the TL866 (minipro) range of programmers.
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M4 macros producing dpic code for drawing electric circuits and other diagrams. Output is compatible with LaTeX or in generic form including SVG and other formats.
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Home of DORY (Deployable Orbital Radio assemblY)
Icon photo by Blondinrikard Fröberg (CC BY 2.0 DEED,
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SeeSat's EPS experiment with environment monitoring for the 2025 OTC-P1 flight opportunity
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Flexible and easy to use non-linear transient electric circuit simulator.
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Compaex (COMPuter Aided EXperiments) is a small set of tools to help connecting my electronics test and measurement instruments to my computer. Although it may support a limited number of instruments, with probably a limited number of features, this project is free and shared as it might be useful to some people.
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A Geek's Lab Book
This is for tracking general issues/todos/snippets/wiki whatever, that is not connected to a specific Project.
It's the gathering place for all my geek things into a meta-project.
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The nCatcher project realizes an Arduino-based readout for proportional counters with pulse height and pulse length analysis.
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The SiPM Trigger project realizes an Arduino-based coincidence readout of SiPMs
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Simple library for interacting with electronic devices over I2C and SPI bus in Linux.
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