Projects with this topic
URANOS - the Ultra Rapid Neutron-Only Simulation is a Monte Carlo toolkit specifically tailored for Environmental Sciences
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Comparing the CPU and GPU implementations of LHAPDF
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A Paralellised Parton Shower, written in CUDA. Generates Partonic Level e+e- Events.
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Automated operator construction for effective field theories.
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Data logger based on the Arduino DUE with SD card, OLED display, real time clock, SDI-12 and I2C interface, GSM and LoRa telemetry implementation.
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The nCatcher project realizes an Arduino-based readout for proportional counters with pulse height and pulse length analysis.
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The SiPM Trigger project realizes an Arduino-based coincidence readout of SiPMs
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Collection of EFT operator bases generated by AutoEFT.
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A simulation of Brownion Motions with options to change temperature and number of small and big particles
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A Python program to generate the Lagrangians for dark matter models
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A course to learn how to create simulations in Geant4.
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Analog front end of a 1 dimensional delay wire chamber with a length of 5 cm
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A KiCAD library for components used in physics applications
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The code used to produce the results in "Trilinear-augmented gaugino mediation"