Projects with this topic
Simple Test Driven Development (TDD) example
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A project for Zero hunger and Supply chain management using artificial intelligence. Heuristic programming algorithm on an N-Ary tree with a dynamically adaptive pruning technique to solve an optimization problem. The optimization problem involves finding the minimum hunger, waste, and cost based on the consumer’s demand.
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Une solution .Net Core pour découvrir la conception orientée objet en se basant sur l'univers de Warcraft.
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Une solution .Net Core pour découvrir la conception orientée objet.
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Dummy example of OOP and Csharp
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Chess programmed in C++ for the Object Oriented Design and Analysis course at George Fox University.
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Примеры ООП в JavaScript
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This is one part of OOP The Right Way course. I tried to implement Poker Hand Kata in OOP
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[Uc3m] The Classic Donkey Kong game
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Реализация паттерна проектирования Simple Fabric на нативном PHP
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Реализация паттерна проектирования Observer на нативном PHP
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Реализация паттерна проектирования Strategy на нативном PHP
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Assignment to SSC0103/Object-Oriented Programming class, at University of Sao Paulo
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Experis Academy / Noroff .NET Fullstack Module 5 (Backend): C# Fundamentals (September 2022)