Projects with this topic
Ontology for a subject of Rubik's Cube puzzle
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moody (Multi-Objective Optimization ontologY) is a OWL2 ontology aiming to provide the ontology model to allow the semantic consolidation of the data related to multi-objective optimization experiments, including algorithms, problems and quality indicators.
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A Public International Law Ontology (PILO) in OWL 2 for annotating, collecting, integrating and searching data about international law, especially treaties.
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This repository contains the results of my findings studying semantic programming. It exists primarily as a resource for me, but you are welcome to do just about anything you want with it. Enjoy.
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Ontologia riguardante il calcio. Esprime diversi concetti tra i più importanti il concetto di AzioneDiGioco che permette di immagazzinare informazioni riguardo le prestazioni delle Squadre e dei giocatori.
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An ontology prototype describing the relationships between specific cartographic tasks and Equal Area Unit Maps (EAUM)
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This latex slide is based on the works of Markus Krotzsch, Frantisek Simancik and Ian Horrocks of the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford - "A Description Logic Primer"
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Automatic testing of SPARQL queries
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Implementation of belief base revision operations for description logic ontologies in OWL / OWL 2.
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Strategies to represent knowledge in Computer Science.