Projects with this topic
Structures to deserialize OBO Foundry listings into.
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generic, modular ontology, describing experiments, based on EMMO
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Ontology for a subject of Rubik's Cube puzzle
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an ontology describing the Copper Key
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Question&Answering Spring-based web application for deterministic ontology-driven natural language processing, leveraging LTAG and DUDES.
Coursework in Artificial Intelligence.
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moody (Multi-Objective Optimization ontologY) is a OWL2 ontology aiming to provide the ontology model to allow the semantic consolidation of the data related to multi-objective optimization experiments, including algorithms, problems and quality indicators.
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Ontologies related to computational modelling and numerical simulation
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EUdaphobase Taxonomy Ontology for the European Soil-Biology Data Warehouse for Soil Protection
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The O4OA is the ontological grounding that supports The Framework for Ontology Characterization (F4OA) and a solution called O4Onto Suite.
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ListDBOnto is an ontology draft for the description of video-based traffic observations.
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a collaborative ONTOlogy development workFLOW
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O4OA light implemented model in OWL and grounded over gUFO.
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This is a hands-on guide on how to apply the Description Logics formalism to natural science problems, including Knowledge Base generation, Semantics, Ontology construction, Reasoning and Querying.
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The Set-based Ontology Seed Language (SOSL) allows defining (the seed of) an ontology (with instances), that then get transformed into different graphical (Class diag., Object diag., ER diag., ...) and textual (DOL, eCore, ...) representations.
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The Framework for Ontology Characterization (F4OA) composes a reference ontology called O4OA, that is its ontological grounding that supports the framework and models solution toll called O4Onto Suite.
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The GNDO uses the language of visual communication, illustration, and technical drawing to provide classes for describing graphics and their parts. (A graphic is defined as a figure that is a pictorial model of a referent, such that the figure has a resemblance to the physical form of the referent.) Classes include types of graphical marks, roles of graphical marks, and qualities of graphics such as graphical style, view, and projection type. The GNDO is rooted in classes from the Information Artifact Ontology. The driving use case is semantic description of anatomical graphics for information systems, but most classes in the GNDO are domain-independent and therefore can be used to describe graphics for any subject matter.
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Ontología de comunicación para la práctica del Mouse Run
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OpenScienceOntology - illustrating / exploring / testing the interoperability of the OSO modules