Projects with this topic
Projet Cloud S5 Mettre en place un projet de fournisseur d’identité sur un des plateformes suivantes (docker) : Php mvc
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A simple Laravel 10 application implementing JWT authentication. This project provides endpoints for user registration, login, and user data retrieval.
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A Yii2-based web cart management application with a React frontend. The backend communicates via API calls, providing seamless integration.
Updated - Backend Developer Test Application - A Laravel 10-based test REST API project with Dockerized services (PHP, MySQL, Nginx, Node.js) and optional CLI commands for data management. Includes setup instructions for Docker and non-Docker environments, testing tools like PHPUnit and PHPStan, and CSV-based database seeding.
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Laravel web application for connecting citizens/lawyers. User registration. Crud both user groups. Separated authorization. Meeting arrangements board list. Status calendar updates. Rest API consuming/saving/exposing.
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PHP Backend REST API for Nova strength training log
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A simple student management system (SSMS) designed for a single school, single branch and also single admin. Simple installation, simple maintenance and simple to do all the things attached to it.
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An official Laravel REST API for the Income Tracker app.
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Pt-BR: O projeto cria um sistema em Vue.js e Laravel Sail para realizar o envio de mensagens e inseri-los no banco de dados mysql através de uma API Rest.
O usuário insere a mensagem que deseja e o número. Do lado do cliente o Vue.js é responsável pela validação, tratamento e envio dos dados para a API Rest, que do lado do servidor é construída em Laravel e comunica o Backend com o container Docker do mysql, e insere os dados.
English: The project creates a system in Vue.js and Laravel Sail to send messages and insert them into the mysql database through a Rest API.
The user enters the message they want and the number. On the client side, Vue.js is responsible for validating, processing and sending data to the Rest API, which on the server side is built in Laravel and communicates the Backend with the mysql Docker container, and inserts the data.
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English: The project creates a web page made in Laravel Sail and configured to communicate with mysql, redis and selenium containers. It also creates a Rest API to communicate the backend with the database.
Pt-BR: O projeto cria uma página web feita em Laravel Sail e configurada para se comunicar com containers do mysql, redis e selenium. Cria também uma API Rest para comunicar o backend com o banco de dados.
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RESTful API interface for managing CRUD operations into few datasources. Additional UI for replicating the http requests via simple form submission. Implementing by following MVC design pattern Using JWT access and refresh tokens for authorization accessing the data resourcesUpdated
This is a project template based on Egweb framework
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Este proyecto es basicamente una api desarrollada en Laravel la cual gestiona login, singup, logout y crud de usuario que entran al sistema junto con un front desarrollado en ReactJS el cual valida permisos en rutas y gestiona el token en las consultas mediante un interceptor. Es un desarrollo bastante basico pero practico para tener como referencia en futuros desarrollos.
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Integrate Skebby for PHP in Laravel 10
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A simple "Hello world!" example processor for ApiOpenStudio, that can be used as the base for 3rd party or custom processors.