Projects with this topic
Online server for Karaoke Mugen. Live at
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Referentie project voor de standaardisering toegangsverlening API's in opdracht van VNG Realisatie.
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Key platform data integrations repo
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An Angular SPA for gas station prices (incl. history)
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A backend authentication system built with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. It supports Docker for easy deployment, including containers for the API, database, email testing (Mailhog), and MongoDB administration (Mongo Express).
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A simple Laravel 10 application implementing JWT authentication. This project provides endpoints for user registration, login, and user data retrieval.
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A Yii2-based web cart management application with a React frontend. The backend communicates via API calls, providing seamless integration.
Updated - Backend Developer Test Application - A Laravel 10-based test REST API project with Dockerized services (PHP, MySQL, Nginx, Node.js) and optional CLI commands for data management. Includes setup instructions for Docker and non-Docker environments, testing tools like PHPUnit and PHPStan, and CSV-based database seeding.
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The goal of this project is to provide a system to easily access the full power of Event-Source / CQRS systems.
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O projeto é um aplicativo desenvolvido em React Native com TypeScript, projetado para permitir que os usuários interajam diretamente com a aplicação. A aplicação se conecta ao back-end por meio de uma API RESTful, utilizando endpoints específicos para carregar, inserir, atualizar e deletar dados conforme necessário. Os dados são organizados para fornecer uma experiência de usuário fluida e gameficada.
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Educational game about adventures a fox to programming with a code editor for kids
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Laravel web application for connecting citizens/lawyers. User registration. Crud both user groups. Separated authorization. Meeting arrangements board list. Status calendar updates. Rest API consuming/saving/exposing.
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Unofficial API (backend) for torrent trackers RuTracker, Kinozal, RuTor and NoNameClub. Used for fast and centralized search of distribution, receiving torrent files, magnetic links and detailed information about distribution by movie title, series or distribution identifier, and also provides news RSS feed to all providers with filtering by categories.
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A Simple REST-API to get blessings of the day, the calendar or all blessings
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api and admin dashboard server for mobile app e-com
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Esse projeto reúne todas as Sprints realizadas durante o estágio na Compass.UOL. Nele, você encontrar um grande acervo de informações sobre Quality Assurance.