Projects with this topic
A handwired dactyl manuform keyboard with 7x4 keys and 5 thumb keys.
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Template generator for STM32 and other MCUs.
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Projects collection (one Eclipse workspace) for STM32 MCU.
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Simple menu for flaw detector using u8g2 library for STM32F4, but can be used for any other stm with minimal changes
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TouchGFX demo using a NUCLEO-F446RE board and a 128x64 pixel monochrome OLED with an SH1106 driver over SPI.
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DIY universal mecanum wheel chassis hardware control board.
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ARM Fault handling functions for integrating into an STM32 HAL project. Derived from the MbedOS Fault Handler.
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Simple test project to use wiznet 5500 ethernet module with custom stm32 (but in this case smt32f407zg)
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Simple code template to test is keyboard (button matrix) 4x4 works fine
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Simple test project to check is diplay connected right
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Raw code for supply with current and voltage regulation
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Raw version of robohand controller, that recieves data from android device and controlls servos connected to pins
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Simple STM32 Cube IDE project that blinks led when some data recieved in bluetooth HC-05 module
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This project implements the FreeRTOS-IO for FreeRTOS-Plus-CLI, this is a port for stm32 mcu from the offical example.
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CMake project with code examples for a Blue-Pill (STM32F103C8) using libopencm3 and FreeRTOS. Upload can be done by using st-flash from texane/stlink