Projects with this topic
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Pretty template for LuaLaTeX documents, with custom font and Unicode support
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A radio drama about a mercenary in a cyberpunk future.
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This repository is used to build a LuaLaTeX container based on Linux Alpine that can be used with VS code and the LaTeX Workshop extension to edit LuaLaTeX files and compile them into PDFs.
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Fedora docker image to build your LaTeX documents, Pandoc included !
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A Pathfinder Statblock for latex.
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Preamble is an easy way to add modern tooling to a LaTeX project.
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Poster Presentation Made For the ACTR Olympiada of Spoken Russian
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A dark-color custom theme for the LaTeX Metropolis beamer package, using LuaLaTeX
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Turn any directory into a dirtree for the LaTeX dirtree package