Projects with this topic
Ce tutoriel vous guidera dans la création d'un environnement Docker pour exécuter WordPress en local.
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Personal website and project portfolio. Powered by Hugo.
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python 3 generator for the Aurora OS applications with WebView
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Inkuity is a team of Developer which design websites.
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The following repository is in conjunction with DevOps lab practicals done for school work projects
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A local Development Stack based on Docker, Traefik and local Domains
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Solution destinée aux établissements scolaires pour faciliter la gestion des absences des élèves et des professeurs.
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Ornata Fit: Effortlessly create responsive content management. Customize breakpoints and manage content effortlessly.
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Development web server with automatic refresh and command execution.
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Stage chez Cabinet Action - 6 Rue des Bas Perreux, 95200 Sarcelles ~ Écrit & réalisé par Mouaz MOHAMED (
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A Flask extension that provides a simple way to generate a security.txt file for a website.
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Este es una tarjeta de presentación personal
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All-in-one, feature rich, docker based development environment for silverstripe and react
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After every weekly lecture, we have a challenge to solve. The purpose of the challenges is to test the knowledge from what was learned from the previous week. We received a document with a specification and a video for each challenge on Sunday and we have one week to solve it. Each challenge is evaluated with points from 1 to 5.
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In this repository you can find my solutions for the tasks from the workshops which we had on the front-end web development academy. Every Friday in the afternoon (no later than 8 pm), we received a specification, and a video explanation for each of the tasks, after which we had one day in which everyone tries to come to the solution of the tasks independently.
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