Projects with this topic
git-gamble is a tool that blends TDD (Test Driven Development) + TCR (test && commit || revert) to make sure to develop the right thing
😌 , baby step by baby step👶 🦶Updated -
git-cola: The highly caffeinated Git GUI
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Common configurations for our PKGBUILD repositories 🧰
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SimGear component of the FlightGear flight simulator
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Garden grows and cultivates collections of Git trees
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a set of tools that i use for programming on several devices.
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Loader for containerized-tools
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Conjuntos de Scripts para Debian con el que preparar mi entorno de programación, aplicaciones, repositorios y configuraciones mediante un menú de selección
Este es un mirror de:
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The biggest privacy resource list you can find on the Internet.
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A local Development Stack based on Docker, Traefik and local Domains
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Seeds help gardens grow. Reusable templates for
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A Plugin for your Mesh combining needs
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Native MacOS, Linux and Windows desktop application with 110+ carefully crafted tools for yours and your teams everyday work with sensitive data in various formats.
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Visual script tool for agnostic CI/CD pipeline.
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git-cola: The highly caffeinated Git GUI
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Developer Tools with connection to Stack Exchange API