Projects with this topic
ATM задачка. Выполнено в 3 версиях: самые простые услвоия, полный перебор, динамическим программированием.
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My University Assignments etc
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Ant colony optimisation and Simulated Annealing algorithms written in java to approximate the Travelling Salesman Problem
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Solutions to the exercises in the book Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
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Algorithms that we learned during the first semester in Algorithms and Datastructures at ETH Zurich.
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A 2D perfect maze generator and solver, both rectangular and hexagonal.
The project employs multiple algorithms, including Recursive Backtracker, Prim's and Growing Tree for the generator, and Wall Follower and Bidirectional Recursive to solve.
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Distributed Algorithms (CS-451, EFPL) project about broadcasting messages.
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A game theory project for the Advanced Algorithms lab at the University of Bonn (WS19/20).
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Contains homeworks for the 'Solving optimization problems using evolutionary computing algorithms in Java' course - held by doc. dr. sc. Marko Čupić at FER, Zagreb.
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A simple textual search engine implemented for COMP3506 (Algorithms and Data Structures) with basic features such as word count, phrase occurrence searcher and boolean searches.
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An implementation for Data Structure and Algorithms proposed in "Algoritmi e strutture dati" by Alan Bertossi and Alberto Montressor
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