Projects with this topic
Angularjs html-validate plugin
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🆖 An AngularJS Starter repo for AngularJS + ES6 + Webpack by @angularclass a @OneSpeed-io company -
A Panini is a grilled sandwich.
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• Designed and developed a user-friendly Portfolio website.
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Mobile client users Android Bundle : IOS : Build Available in IOS folder
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AWE front-end with AngularJS and Redux
Updated - Tasky is a simple to-do application for managing tasks. Built with Angular and SCSS.
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Realizar una aplicación que muestre por pantalla, mediante directivas de Angular, la siguiente imagen. Debemos ser capaces de filtrar estos datos mediante el input superior. Aparte, los datos serán guardados en un array de objetos JSON óptimo para dicha funcionalidad.
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Full stack development of an online storefront utilizing MEAN stack. MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and NodeJS.
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Se va a crear notificaciones push con flutter
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A tour of heroes App with Angular JS
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En el desarrollo de esta aplicación web se evidencia un Mantenimiento Básico de una base de datos con MySQL, Angularjs, PHP y JQuery y otras librerias
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AngularJS module with calendar component
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A scalable activity aggregator for Activity Watch( using Apache Kafka, Springboot and AngularJS.
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An idea submission App using Angular JS. The app is a ultralight sketchbook and voice recorder that can share to any platform, as well as submitt to a repository as a categorized issue.
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Spring and AngularJS based reference architecture for small-and-mid-sized web applications using CI and CD