Projects with this topic
SAP Developers Tutorial: Create a Web Front End with Angular.JS in Web IDE
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Technical exercise. Front end implemented with AngulaJS.
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Digitized Attendance System (DAS) - An upgradation of the previously used ordinary human resource based attendance management. Project for IEEEhackathon held at Delhi.
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This set of native AngularJS directives allows for easy creation of a miller columns navigation interface.
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Projet d'Architecture d'Entreprise 2019. Simple application permettant de gérer ces tâches. Découverte du framework Spring Boot, JUnit ainsi qu'Hibernate et Spring Security.
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This is the FixxIT AngularJs front-end challenge seed project, welcome! Within you will find a front-end coding challenge that might separate you from the rest!
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Projet d'Application Web et Mobile. Découverte de Node.JS et d'Angular.JS. Petite application servant à créer des todos lists et permettant de les partager avec d'autres utilisateurs.
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Projeto desenvolvido no curso de AngularJS, realizado por Rodrigo Branas
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Exemplary real world application built with Angular 1.5 + ES6
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An AngularJS (5.2.9) application powered by a rails backend
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O repositório é um modelo para iniciar o desenvolvimento de projetos da web em AngularJS (1.6.4).
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Learn how to create awesome Micro-services and RESTful web-services Spring Boot and AngularJS
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Web application based on Angular CLI 1.7.3 according to the official documentation
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Manage your products, staffs and clients through a quick to set up, responsive web app.