Projects with this topic
Système de gestion de bibliothèque -- MERN-Stack app
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This project is an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) developed for the construction company Vladimir Robinson Brand Endia E.I.R.L.. It was created using the MERN stack with an Android app developed in React Native.
Este proyecto es un ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) desarrollado para la Constructora Vladimir Robinson Brand Endia E.I.R.L.. Creado en MERN con una app en Android en ReactNative.
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A simple back-end with the microframwework Flask , and Authentication with FlaskAuth
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BankChat Financial Advice Chat é um serviço abrangente desenvolvido para fornecer aconselhamento financeiro personalizado através de um chat interativo. O frontend oferece uma experiência de usuário fluida e responsiva, enquanto o backend garante a gestão segura e eficiente dos dados. O projeto integra tecnologias modernas como React, TypeScript, Vite, Express, Firebase, JWT, MongoDB e Ollama para oferecer uma solução robusta e escalável.
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This is the simple UI built with Angular 13. It consists of Login and Sign Up page suitable for any application. It'll be the base for any web application. It uses JWT for authentication using the services from Java Spring Boot. Will be enhanced further for e-commerce website.
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Kotlin + Ktor + Flyway + H2 / PostgreSQL + Exposed (ORM)+ Gradle + JWT / Basic Auth / OAuth2
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Multidirectory repository of projects in express.js
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🐍 A fork of jwt_tool, a toolkit for testing, tweaking and cracking JSON Web Tokens.Updated -
Fetches the openid-connect PEM public key for a specific KID for validating JWT provided by KeyCloak.
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Plugin for the CARP project that authenticates a request using JWT and attaches it to the Authorization Header of the routed servers
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A User Authentication Microservice for External Providers featuring multi-userpools, roles, & permissions management implemented using Java, SpringBoot, PostgreSQL, OpenIDConnect.
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Used cars shop app made with Spring, Spring boot, Postgres SQL, JWT, React, MUI and Docker.
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RESTful API client for json based API (JWT feature available)
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This project includes two Nodejs Framework Projects i.e. Expressjs And Nestjs for now. This is a demo project to show my practice in both frameworks and try to implement the knowledge I have about the framework.
In this project, as an ORM I use Sequelize (Sequelize-Typescript) and For the Database I use PostgreSQL.
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Example to integrate JWT in Echo framework and private and public keys can changes during runtime.