Projects with this topic
This is a mirror of the LinkAhead Server Repository.
You are invited to create issues and to contribute code.
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Tools to parse maniascript code and generate a parse tree.
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Generate a Maniascript API documentation in json format.
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Grammar for the liturgical markup language (lml) specified using antlr.
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ANTLR image used to build the parser and lexer for MSLint
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The Set-based Ontology Seed Language (SOSL) allows defining (the seed of) an ontology (with instances), that then get transformed into different graphical (Class diag., Object diag., ER diag., ...) and textual (DOL, eCore, ...) representations.
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One DSL for text-based grammars to rule them all
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✩ PROJET ACADEMIQUE - 2ème année de cycle ingénieur - Systèmes embarqués
☛ Objectif: Réaliser un programme d’analyse lexicale et sémantique de validation d'un fichier JSON.
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A language for the bot robot using ANTLR4.
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Parse output from google translate (unofficial api) by ANTLR. Translate Nette messages file with google translate.