Projects with this topic
Calculadora básica desarrollada en una GUI de python para la comunicación serial con un Arduino y la representación del resultado en binario.
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An autonomous mobile robot. The project enables our platform to perform SLAM (using Monte Carlo filter and AMCL) and trajectory rollout, costmaps were used with inflated. Arduino software enables drivers, odometry, kinematics and wheel control.
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Relay-Steuerung per ESP8266-Modul über WLan
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Bluetooth library for Arduino Uno
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An audio looper written in puredata, with some code to control it from an Arduino board.
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Opensource Parkinson's tremor cancellation device | Experimental Concept Test Inspired on prototype invented by Haiyan Zhang on public video clip episode 1 of BBC program Big Life Fix day 7 December 2016
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Thermostat d'ambiance multizone libre. Interface utilisateur et communication entre les composants en wifi.
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Pro trinket + Sparkfun OLED Display Breakout as gaming console
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Sight is an application developed for the visually impaired. It helps them to see things through the lens of stereo technology and interact with others using gestures.
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Memory game implemantation in arduino
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Automatic Garden - Automatic irrigation with humidity and temperature control. Ease and convenience for gardens at home!
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matrix led driver - obsolescence oriented - drive them all!
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Tools for working with arduino without launching the IDE
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Vamos reimplementar os eletrônicos da bateria do Wii! :D
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My first Arduino library to blink or pulse an RGB led in "background" : no delay used !
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Proof of concept proxytool that (hopefully) allows avrdude to succesfully program a mcu with esp-link
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Project to test Java - arduino communication - POC
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This is a basic serial terminal I/O library for OSX and Linux that allows you to set the baud rate without using cgo.
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This is an Arduino project to note what frequency is coming into a microphone loudest. A correct sequence of frequencies will set an LED to show that you have "unlocked" it.