Projects with this topic
SSD1306xLED - Library for the SSD1306 based OLED/PLED displays and ATtiny85 microcontrollers.
SSD1306xLED is a small C library for working with the SSD1306 display driver to control dot-matrix OLED/PLED 128x64 displays. The library is intended to be
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Librería para trabajar con pantallas Oled de 128x64 píxeles que tengan el controlador SSD 1306 instalando y usando las librerías: Adafruit_SSD1306, Adafruit_GPIO, Pillow y RPIO para python3
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Instalación y librerías personalizadas para display de 7 segmentos (8 dígitos) con el chip MAX7219 en Raspberry y Raspbian Estable
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frame buffer driver for linux centos8.1 SH1106 OLED IIC driver
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An air quality sensor which monitors air quality in a workspace, together with a history graph
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Driver library for SSD1351 OLED RGB Display using C
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This is a true black theme made for blender, perfect for OLED screens.
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Pro trinket + Sparkfun OLED Display Breakout as gaming console