Projects with this topic
This library provides a set of high precision date and time classes covering a large time span. The library is implemented in C++, Python and Java
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Datecode converter. Converts date to a datecode string such as 11J13.
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A human-readable clock for the gnome-shell panel
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Имеется некая система, которая обрабатывает авиа перелеты. Перелет — это перевозка пассажира из одной точки в другую с возможными промежуточными посадками. Т. о. перелет можно представить как набор из одного или нескольких элементарных перемещений, называемых сегментами. Сегмент — это атомарная перевозка, которую для простоты будем характеризовать всего двумя атрибутами: дата/время вылета и дата/время прилета.
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Package stime provides some simplified (no time zone) time processing functions.
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A simple datetime/duration command-line calculator
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A Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool written in Python for retrieving the local time and date of a given location, including cities and countries, using the IPGeolocation API. Supports different display types and configurable API key for secure access.
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StrayCat es una aplicación dedicada a la búsqueda de lugares de interés para personas que buscan planes distintos con sus parejas o amigos para evitar la monotonía en los mismos.
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Discordian Date Function Wordpress Plugin
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Script to display server information like CPU, RAM, drives, networks, hostname, ip, mounts, date, time and so on at login.
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Generic Class is a java library for some reflect methods,Date Handling and Arithmetic expression you may contact me for enhancing the classes
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timestamp gets the first timestamp of the entered date
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Simple scripts that tell you how many days is to some date
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PlayDate — see the world through through their eyes.
Card matching game for sighted and visually impaired children to collaborate on learning Braille and animal sounds.
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Proyecto para poner en hora un módulo de reloj en tiempo real por i2c de tipo tiny RTC
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basic utility for printing out the ISO week stuff. like date does.