Projects with this topic
Reusable configurations to get projects started quickly.
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A template to start your django react project already dockerized.
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This is a frontend starter template with using Gulp.js, Pug, SASS and Babel.
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React setup with Parcel, Babel and JSX
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A react skeleton application using webpack and babel
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Demo project using Vuejs 2 , Webpack 4, Babel 7 and CSS Grid layout. The project is based on advanced CSS training I followed on Udemy. See read me for more info. Live demo can be viewed on
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A web client demo for testing skills
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Quick React/Webpack setup demonstration for someone on Quora. Utilizes Babel.
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A tiny environment to make you start with your react project preconfigured with webpack4, babel7 and SASS
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All-in-one about Reflective Prism: patterns, video designer and remote player.
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Very simple cross-plateform desktop app based on Electron 3, React 16, Babel 7 and Webpack 4.
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A never finished website for the Pravoslavlje journal.