Projects with this topic
Common Workflow Language - computational workflows @ UNLOCK
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A bioinformatic pipeline for identifying giant viruses and Preplasmiviricota viruses in metagenomic data.
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Proteinortho is a tool to detect orthologous genes within different species. (Download)
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DAPCy is a Python implementation of the Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) method for population genetics.
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A Biopython based package that constructs and represent all nucleic acids in a PDB structure, with a special focus on base-pair representation.
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A test GitHub repository for a set of client/server python scripts (as part of the Scientific Programming class).
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Automated drug repurposing workflow for rare diseases – using Flask, Monarch API, DGIdb API and XGboost.
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SonicParanoid is a stand-alone software tool for the identification of orthologous relationships among multiple species.
For details go to the wiki-page
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SeqExtract searches annotated genomes for keywords and extract corresponding fasta records
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AmpCheck investigates primer/probe - template matching and return amplicon related information.
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A plugin for Qiime2 to trim oligonucleotides and reverse-complement reads
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RepeatGrower identify repeating k-mers in a genome and grows them until their occurrences decline.
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A tree-based orthology inference program with additional functionality for reducing contamination.
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Environment-dependent evolution of digital organisms simulator.
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Plynk is a Python wraper for the PLINK software plus some convenience tools to enable a seamless workflow of Plink in Python.
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practice tasks for "Algorithms for Sequence Analysis"