Projects with this topic
Self briefing service for pilots in Jönköping Flying Club
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The Official Open-Source version of Gigabyte Developers Incorporated webpage
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The very first solo Project we had in the first semester at CODERS.BAY Vienna was to build a website with HTML, CSS and JavaScript . We were given free rein to choose the topic and design of the website. Since I am a big fan of the Automotive Industrie, I decided to build a website about some legends of the car industry.
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Aplikasi Penggajian yang sangat membantu user untuk menentukan gaji karyawan berdasarkan absen dll, aplikasi ini terbagi atas dua akses yaitu admin dan user
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This is sample use of GraphQL by using jQuery to connect with your own GraphQL Server or GraphCMS (now is
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A great single page UI made by me 🦾
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This is my first project made in 2021, this is a website you can login and select all sort of products needed for trucks of all kind. I used Laravel 8.22 framework for its strong point in back-end, for front-end i used bootstrap 4 as CSS framework
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Prototype. Collection of tag helpers for Twitter Bootstrap 4.
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Projeto didático para quem está iniciando em JSF (Java Server Faces).
Updated - personalized theme wordpress
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Binar Academy Full Stack Web Development Challenge 3 - Landing Page with Bootstrap 4
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A Single-Page Application utilizing Bootstrap4, React Javascript and Yarn package manager to demonstrate User Interface development and Data Rendering on a node server.
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