Projects with this topic
Hugo theme using the Bulma CSS framework for hosting daily comic strips.
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Example de Chartjs + Arduino
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Demo here: https://hugo-theme.gitlab.io/hugo-parallax-landing Fully i18n multilingual parallax landing theme for Hugo.
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Brouillon pour portfolio soumis aux directives de l'enseignant
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Source code for my Hakyll + Nix + Bulma blog at https://mtrsk.gitlab.io
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A fully multilingual blog theme for Hugo based on bulma and no sweat. Demo right here: https://hugo-theme.gitlab.io/hugo-i18n-blog
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Inspired version of cinema/movies Pathé Gaumont website in React JS following Udemy formation : https://www.udemy.com/course/maitriser-react-de-a-a-z-creer-son-propre-netflix/
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Learning React.JS through Flex Code tutorials (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNq4tyVELD8fNXdblniGlfAd4NJAyt1Mz) and improving UX with Bulma framework (Disney+ like)
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The source of my statically-generated web site using Cobalt, Bulma, and Animate.css
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