Projects with this topic
Rogue Fungi is a roguelike deck-building game for smartphones.
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An open source solitaire-esque card game, with a Sci-Fi theme.
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A simple shuffler of slices of any type using Go generics.
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Light-hearted game is about the silly things you do while waiting to be rescued from a weird island.
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A condottiere board game implementation in React
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A modular Koi Koi (Hanafuda) engine and solver
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A solitaire card game, written in javascript, where you can bet whether your card is between the two other cards.
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A recreation of the War Card Game created using Java, including house rules such as gifts for beating the opponent's card by one, and a turn counter that increases the number of cards involved in wars and gifts.
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Simple card-based company management game.
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The known card game, written in javascript, where the computer is the dealer.
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Priest (aka "Three-Card Monte" is Card game written in javascript, runs in any browser.
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All content in this repository is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License.
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Czech fork of aaronbarker/spot-it: Hra podobná Dobble ve které můžete mý vlastní obrázky nebo text
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🥓 The Double-Bacon Card Game that goes great with breakfast (Free to print and play)UpdatedUpdated