Projects with this topic
This is a general backup mirror for my github profile repo i.e. (offensive-vk). Please dont open any issues or merge requests here.
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Kubernetes Deployment Restarter web service exposes endpoints to restart Kubernetes deployments.
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DevOps resources for Solarus projects.
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Application for verifying ripped audio files using AccurateRip database.
Read-only mirror of
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GitLab CI recipes for advanced linting, build to deploy project workflows and automatic releases management.
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This fork adds support for the Power - ppc64le - architectures for GitLab-Runner. Up-to-date prebuilt release packages are available on the Releases page.
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Kubernetes Deployment Restarter web service exposes endpoints to restart Kubernetes deployments.
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Screen to report the status of the CI/CD (development for dev and master for deployment).
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An Example CI/CD project with Helm and auto LetsEncrypt for Kubernetes cluster
This repository contains a Go programs of a web server that answers the question: "Is Go 1.x out yet?"
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Domain of the project is managing a restaurant. Customers,orders,foods,payments are the subdomains as a service. The importance of project is having a CI-CD from begin to end to automatize deployment.
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Image based on Ubuntu, Java, Node and Gradle
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[ARCHIVED] API-Backend to validate and forward form data from client-side only websites via email.
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A simple snake game with Node and ReactJS, and loaded with some tests. Project is used for CI/CD pipelines on Gitlab. Maybe will have docker support if needed for project continuous integration.
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Simple utility container with common kubernentes related utilities such as kubectl, docker and helm. Useful for a variety of CI/CD Jobs
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First Steps for Startups - Continuous Integration as Code