Projects with this topic
以 政府資料開放平台 之 音樂表演資訊 為資料來源, 以django實作:1. 登入, 2. 音樂劇場表演訊息 之CRUD, 3. celery (period task):每日凌晨一時更新資料
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Project for VTU result analysis, extraction and visualisations.
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Boilerplate/Template for Python CLI projects
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This project serves as an example of a messaging system, utilizing RabbitMQ as the message broker and Django Celery for task management and worker generation. RabbitMQ efficiently queues and distributes messages, ensuring reliable and asynchronous communication between services. Django Celery integrates with the Django framework to manage and schedule background tasks, generating workers that execute these tasks. Together, they provide a robust and scalable solution for handling asynchronous tasks and inter-service communication.
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Website that parses images from internet from user's request Left: add NN to use parsed images
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An example project that demonstrates local development, CI/CD and production setup for a full stack web app using Django, Django REST Framework, Django Channels, Postgres, VueJS, Redis, Celery, GitLab CI and AWS technologies deployed with CDK.
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