Projects with this topic
An Ansible playbook to install and configure multiples CICD runner on your hosts.
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Pre-commit template for Python and JS/TS code quality control.
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Learning VueJS in 5 minutes and deploying it in 5 minutes to AWS
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此專案是記錄我個人實作的技術文章,之前是使用 Confluence。 因沒有辦法分享,突發奇想自己做一個部落格 上版流程會是透過 Gitlab pipeline 部屬到 Vercel 上
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A simple project presents you how to set up a continuous deployment for Single Page Application on AWS S3 using GitLab.
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This repository contains the Implementation of dynamic security scanning using OWASP ZAP in continuous integration and deployment of web applications. The implementation was realised for an engineering thesis defended in 2024.
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This is a project boilerplate for Salesforce App development with Salesforce Developer tools.
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This project is a testing ground for development for CI/CD and Project templates. Use only for reference!
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Photography Website built using React JS. Bootstrap template has been used for base styling. Demonstrates lazy loading of images and components. Delivers high performance. CICD pipeline setup is made using firebase.
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This project shows how a CI/CD pipeline can be built for a simple python webapp deployed at a cloud provider.
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Static Website Available on
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A DevOps project for Shareway Oy focusing on developing a CICD pipeline for ReactNative example application utilizing CodePush (Microsoft App Center), Fastlane, CircleCI, Detox, Semantic-release, Commitizen.
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Build server that runs in Kubernetes, and schedules builds in Kubernetes