Projects with this topic
WaterTrajectories-pytools is a collection of python tools designed to i) process and visualize hydro-climatic trajectories and diagnostics, ii) manipulate space-time data needed for hydrogeological modeling.
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mirror repository for TinyWeatherForecastGermany a free open source android weather app.
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mirror repository for TinyWeatherForecastGermany
alternative mirrors available at GitHub, Framagit and Gitea
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scanning apk artifacts of Tiny Weather Forecast Germany for trackers using the exodus-core Python module by Exodus Privacy
mirror repository (!)
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Digital coins and online trading facilities for currencies that are fully backed in sustainable forms of value:
Sensible Taler Bullion for precious metals Sensible Taler Energy for tradable energy Sensible Taler Focus for human attention Sensible Taler Dinosaur for unexcavated fossil fuelsUpdated -
EcoCommons R package for running complete species distribution modelling workflows. Utilised by the platform.
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Deploy a full featured CI/CD and metrology chain to evaluate the environmental footprint of your applications.
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A CI/CD component for tracking the carbon emissions created by requests to your website
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Análisis de imágenes históricas en campañas, medios y comunicación oficial relacionada con la concientización y difusión de hitos sobre el cambio climático en los últimos 20 años, tanto en contenido como en viralidad y reacciones.
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Analysis for the Community-based Climate-responsive Livelihoods and Forestry (CCLF) GEF-LCDF Project Document Development. This is part of the work done by me as International Consultant (Project Design Specialist and PPG Team Leader) for UNDP.
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The Effect of Global Warming on Hurricane and Typhoon Occurrence
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This is a repository for notebooks that showcase climate (change) data.