Projects with this topic
Laravel Example Application
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Library for fetching the electricity usage data from Lumme-Energia
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Convert units from one to another. In order not to run in overflow errors it uses graph algorithms for minimal calculations without unnecessary intermediate steps. Easy to extend with more units. You can also use the unit classes in any needed way.
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Oktatási hivatal teszt feladat 2021.12.15
Hirdetés link:
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This project is a library that facilitates the layout of data (in the form of a table), and the filtering of data.
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Default traefik configuration with SSL (Let's Encrypt) for docker compose file
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Fork of johnpbloch/wordpress with wpackagist included designed to work with devilbox folder structure. Clone customise and composer install.
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PHP library for BärCODE generation and interacting with the Proof of No Covid infrastructure.
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Send SMS anywhere globally with
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WordPress Develop, Git-ified. Synced from git://, including branches and tags! This repository is just a mirror of the WordPress subversion repository. Please do not send pull requests. Submit patches to instead.
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Forked from kalamuna/drupal-project, which in turn forks from drupal-composer/drupal-project.
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My workspace for woocurve