Projects with this topic
Traefik deployment on Kubernetes with TLS through Let's Encrypt and DNS through OVH.
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An easy-to-setup and secured Traefik based reverse proxy using docker compose to host multiple docker based project on the same machine.
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Send DNS requests from PiHole over HTTPS with Traefik 3.x
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A minimalistic Docker Swarm base setup featuring ready-to-use Portainer container management, Prometheus/Grafana monitoring and Traefik with Let's Encrypt as ingress proxy on Ubuntu Linux systems.
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Traefik configuration used for local development.
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The aim of this project is to provide a template / cheat sheet for the minimum configuration of a container server.
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A collection of docker compose scripts to help you deploy fediverse services behind a traefik proxy
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Traefik instance for proxying requests within CarbonCollins - Cloud internal network
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Traefik configuration via docker-compose for the ingress at the domain.
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This repository is a helpful tool, to make a basic serverside installation and configuration.
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Traefik docker compose setup
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Docker setup to run a local instance of ApiOpenStudio, using the official images and Traefik reverse proxy.
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Self-hosted, low-configuration, password manager stack.
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traefik setup for my local development machine.
traefik is a small, fast reverse proxy designed with support for container based deployments in mind. I'm using it to manage access to my local tooling and development version of web applications I'm working on. That includes providing nice domain names (through the domain that I own) and automatic Let's Encrypt TLS support for HTTPS.
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🐳 ⚙ ️ Automatically renew tomav/docker-mailserver certificates using traefik.Updated -
Web HOOK for k8s
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Awesome Docker Traefik stack