Projects with this topic
Software de estratégia da equipe RoboFEI - Small Size League (SSL).
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Repositório do projeto de iniciação científica sobre identificação de sistemas
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This software is done to perform Routh-Hurtwitz criterion calculus well known in control to ensure the stability of LTI SISO systems.
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IoT Remote Control is a simple project designed to control appliances remotely. This project uses a relay based hardware which is controlled over the internet. This is a classic example of Internet of Things.
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Control, simple, y asistencia, descentralizado, en X windows. Replica, Integra y reporta data de entrada y salida en un punto por camara, por huella, por codigobarra; usando un numero identificacion (en Venezuela numero cedula).
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System tray icon to display and set ALSA volume written in C and using XCB library. Similar to volumeicon, but with simpler, specifically made for ALSA and without GTK. No configuration files. No configuration windows.
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A project for manipulating objects with the Kinova Mico arm using gaze control only. This project is used mainly as an interesting demonstration.