Projects with this topic
Exemplo em C++ de como criar um compartimento, importar uma chave A1 (PKCS#12/PFX) e assinar um hash.
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A crossover of the games 'The Guild' and 'The Patrician'.
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A template CMake project to get you started with C++ and tooling
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Experimental Game Engine with Vulkan render
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A c++20 template project that uses the meson build system and has everything you need to develop a big project as hassel-free as possible.
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Conan recipe for the RmlUi library.
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Angonoka is a time estimation software based on statistical modeling.
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All the stuff I do, while I teach myself code and stuff
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Compare the syntax of the following programming languages: There are exercises in Python, Go, Bash, C, C++, PHP and JavaScript
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Source code of various problems from HackerRank
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An instructional project to present concepts of parallel programming for C++, Cuda with a Python interface.
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Electric and magnetic field visualizer for electro- and magnetostatic problems
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A small library for bayesian filtering: Filter Library IRT (Institut für Regelungstechink / Institute of Automatic Control, RWTH Aachen University). It does not try to be an "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" as it accepts that the filter models are just too
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