Projects with this topic
A user interface for a restaurant website.
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Laravel Telescope is an elegant debug assistant for the Laravel framework. Telescope provides insight into the requests coming into your application, exceptions, log entries, database queries, queued jobs, mail, notifications, cache operations, ...
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What are the features in GitLab release x? Which license tier are they in? What stage do they belong to?
Report here: https://gitlab-com.gitlab.io/cs-tools/gitlab-cs-tools/what-is-new-since/
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The CSM Features Tracking project is a tool designed to track, visualize, and update GitLab issues and epics for customer feature requests.
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Provide HTML and CSV reports on members of a group, its subgroups and projects, including access level to make group administration more efficient.
Example: https://gitlab-com.gitlab.io/cs-tools/gitlab-cs-tools/gitlab-group-member-report
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Horizon provides a beautiful dashboard and code-driven configuration for your Laravel powered Redis queues. Horizon allows you to easily monitor key metrics of your queue system such as job throughput, runtime, and job failures.
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Monitor pipelines from groups without any server, just runs in browser
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GitLab CI Dashboard for a TV
A pipeline dashboard, usually ran on a raspberry Pi. A pipeshow!
Demo: https://ci-dashboard.gitlab.io/pipeshow/main/index.html
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Visualise the start-finish times of the jobs within gitlab pipelines.
Useful to show how much your jobs are blocked due to lack of resources
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Front-end para a FastAPI Scrum. Dashboard dos dados
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Multi-Page Dashboard - displaying different ways of manipulating data by using CRUD Operations and also filter, search and sort data.
The data is pulled in via an external third-party source called mockapi.io
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Tablero de análisis de impacto de medios y audiencias de coyunturas y eventos políticos, sociales y económicos, acotados al territorio Mexicano.