Projects with this topic
GitLab Community Edition (CE) is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, and more. Self-host GitLab CE on your own servers, in a container, or on a cloud provider.
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A video game library tracking web app built in Rails
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Get started with GitLab Rails development using the GDK.
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The core service "map" for the microservice dungeon project of the TH Köln
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Ensure presence and type of your app's ENV-variables.
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Gold is Helium's approach to billing for Shopify apps. It provides a framework to build Rails apps upon.
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Веб-приложение в рамках проекта "Рельсовый Гамбит" - образовательный проект по реализации онлайн платформы для совместной игры в шахматы и не только
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Main API endpoint of Lucia's Cipher
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A collaborative document editor focusing on consensus based discussion and decision making.
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Rails 7 Hotwire app for in-restaurant Customer ordering, and Manager administration -
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A simple example of using Rails 7 + Import Maps
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A Rails engine web-UI to quickly toggle feature flags in GDK.
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AWS Cognito〜Railsでログイン認証アプリを実装するプロジェクト。ログインの仕組みを学習する。
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Progetto dockerizzato in Rails e Angular
moduli aggiuntivi:
caching -> Redis job scheduling ->Sidekiq db -> PostgresUpdated