Projects with this topic
Studying the effects of music in the growth of plants through an IoT automated farming solution.
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Data analysis:
🍔 Foods &🌍 Ecological ImpactUpdated -
Analysis of a spotify user's musical tastes using Spotify's API
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This repository contains the Tableau project "Analyzing Customer Churn," which is a comprehensive analysis of customer churn in Databel. The project is divided into three parts, each focusing on different aspects of customer churn analysis and visualization.
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Study of the connections between DNA expression of Covid patients and the development of Acute Encephalopathy. Project carried out by the Neurology Department of UC San Francisco in collaboration with the Data Science department of UC Berkeley (2022).
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Prediction of Nobel Prize outcomes based on country data. Project done for an Applications in Data Analysis course (INDENG-242) for UC Berkeley (2022).
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The ultimate free and open source solution for visualising fNIRS brain data and a video recording side by side
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This project contains the source files I used in a free-lance project for a book reseller.
Python environment setup SQL (mariadb) database configuration setup of a Python-mariadb connector Data enrichment with the seller's local currency value in time. Data analysis with Python [pandas, scikit-learn, matplotlib, seaborn] Brief interpretation of the data is present in the notebook.Updated -
Insurance insights - Comparative study of Countries
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Bubble Chart Variants using Charticulator | Top 3 states in India with highest GI Tags
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This project should be a data analyser for a data dump from the Samsung Health App