Projects with this topic
Atomic Claim Engine database prototype in Go
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Reliable PostgreSQL Backup & Restore
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Commandline SQL client which can be configured to run against many different DBMS.
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Adds optimistic locking feature to eloquent models.
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(deprecated) Atomic Claim Engine database prototype in Rust
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A crossplatform desktop database application.
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The main MariaDB Database with all Blessings.
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This Symfony bundle allows you to place your website in maintenance mode by calling two commands in your console. A page with status code 503 appears to users, it is possible to authorize certain ips addresses stored in your configuration.
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arm64/aarch64 version of Dgraph.
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Proof of concept of working auto-bootstrap and auto-join for MariaDB + Galera Cluster Docker image in multi containers scenario like Docker Compose, Docker Swarm and others.
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Scripts to gather and analyse OSM datas in Iran.
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