Projects with this topic
These are my old projects about fractals, that I created for someone at college.
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Old projects about audio editing that were created as course and diploma projects at college
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This repository holds all the code related to IOT Lab Book Tutorials.
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Auto Multiple Choice is a piece of software that can help you create and manage multiple choice questionnaires (MCQ), with automated marking.
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Учебно-методические материалы, предназначенные для использования в вузах и образовательных центрах при организации учебных курсов по разработке прикладного программного обеспечения с применением фреймворка Qt. В том числе для операционных систем Аврора и Android.
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Welcome to the repository for the Educational Modular Robot project.
🚀 This open-source platform provides all necessary resources for exploring robotics and advanced educational topics. The repository includes design files, source code, and schematics for a versatile robot designed to facilitate hands-on learning across disciplines such as mathematics, physics, programming, artificial intelligence, and electronics. Our modular design allows for extensive customization and expansion, making it an ideal tool for educators and students to engage with complex concepts and enhance their learning experience.Updated -
Учебно-методические материалы, предназначенные для использования в школьных кружках, колледжах и образовательных центрах при организации учебных курсов по разработке мультиплатформенного программного обеспечения с применением языка C++ и фреймворка Qt. В том числе для операционной системы Аврора, других мобильных ОС, MS Windows, macOS и дистрибутивов Linux.
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Учебно-методические материалы, предназначенные для использования в школах и образовательных центрах при организации учебных курсов по разработке прикладного программного обеспечения с применением языка C++ и методологии объектно-ориентированного программирования. В том числе для операционной системы Аврора и дистрибутивов Linux.
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This project includes the implementation of the design patterns in c++. The purpose behind this project is to understand, analyse the implementation of the various design patterns like creational, structural & behavioural design patterns.
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Assignment ideas, glossary and quick reference files, and utilities to help in course building.
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Educational game for children: "Guess The Note" based on Arudino, buzzer, RGB LED, servo and rotary encoder
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TIM (The Interactive Material) is an open-source cloud-based platform for creating interactive learning documents.
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A model CubeSat developed for use during educational outreach programming. This GroundSat, or DemoSat, has been designed to perform the Northern Images Mission of the Aurora College CubeSat, part of the Canadian CubeSat Project hosted by CSA.
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This project contains the flutter port of the TestApp client.
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This project compares the speed of the (self implemented) cipher algorithms AES and Vignere. - School Project
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SkyFireONE (SFO) is a full featured F/OSS World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusades (TBC) emulator written in C++. Compatible with World of Warcraft client 2.4.3 (Build:8606) Database is located on forum:
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Little project involving some calculus to process some data for little circuits i made for school.