Projects with this topic
LuxeBag Haven is an e-commerce platform for premium bags, built with Node.js, Express.js, EJS, MongoDB, and Mongoose. Discover a curated collection of luxurious handbags with seamless shopping.
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Einfache Anwendung zum Sammeln und Kategorisieren von Bildern, auf Basis einer Node.js REST API.
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Site web de cartes de fidélité en JavaScript (Node.js, Express.js, Ejs ...)
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YelpCamp is a web application that allows users to discover and review campgrounds. Users can view campground listings, leave reviews, and add their own campgrounds. It's a platform designed for outdoor enthusiasts to share their camping experiences and find new destinations.
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Projeto ensinado em um curso de NodeJs, ultilizando as ferramentas: EJS, Sequelelize, express e mysql
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Post Your Secret - OAuth implementation with Node.js and EJS
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a tiny line up to build app with node express and typescript
running with nodemon to watch backend changes. a livereload server is setup to watch frontend changes and automatically refresh the browser. ejs is used for templating
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Learn Backend using Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB (Mongoose)
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Contenode (ˈkän-ˌteˈnōd) is a full-featured Content Management System (CMS) created with Node.js and its correlated technologies such as Express web server and MongoDB database.
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An authentication system that can be embedded to any app which requires a Login/Logout system. This system is developed using NodeJS, PassportJS, ejs, bootstrap, bootswatch.
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A RESTful service for sending templated e-mails upon request.
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A utility that allows writing EJS templates with TypeScript type checking.
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Personal Nodejs Expressjs Ejs Mongoose Boilerplate