Projects with this topic
Form management, behaviour and validation using Material UI within React stateful scope
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solving javascript issues with modern javascript
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A Wordpress theme framework for modern teams and workflows. This framework ready for modern Javascript, and Sass using webpack.
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graphql follow GraphQLSchema (queries, mutations, types), dataloader, base on es6 syntax, CI/CD
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Basic boilerplate for Jasmine Testing Framework with ECMAScript 6 (ES6) support.
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Building a toy web framework to practice and explore NodeJS and new Javascript syntaxes (presently ES6).
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Tiny and great NotesApp! Powered by Nodejs environment and TypeScript language, it provides an awesome command line tool user experience.
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✈ ️ This is a simple SPA aiming to filter and to search for tours delivered by a simple json dataUpdated -
Hangman built with React and Spring Boot!
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Front-end of bid management platform for construction industry
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Front-end of web service aimed for individuals to keep up their daily habits
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Plantilla p5 con Webpack & babel
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A simple JavaScript-based Snakes and Ladders simulator