Projects with this topic
Site web de l'association de tir sportif Izelloise, il permet de faciliter la communication entre les membres de l'association et les adhérents via l'envoi de mail. Développé avec le framework Symfony , une base de donnée Postgres et un front en Twig.
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eCommerce App for selling African food in France
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Symfony web application. Route token authorization. Uploading, validating, reading and processing .csv files. Nested hierarchy data extraction. Optional filtering based on {parameter}. Web form UI for request. RESTful architecture.
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Site web qui vous permet de retrouver toutes vos chronologies
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🐘 PHP &📒 Calepin =💩 Phécal CMS(aka Ph&cal, best known as Phécal)
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Plugin for the 11ty (Eleventy) static site generator to render template with the PHP version of Twig
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Réalisation d'un site portfolio complet avec Symfony. Il embarque le bundle EasyAdmin pour la gestion du Back-Office
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Elaboration of a blog with the Symfony framework in order to have a trace of my progress in terms of knowledge during my years of alternation
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Simple Symfony project to import and export XLSX files with PhpSpreadsheet
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MVC для landing page с каталогом и корзиной.
Включает: docker (docker-compose.yml для test, dev, prod), percona, phinx, php 7.4, codeception, twig, traefik.
Подойдет для написания landing page, посадочных страниц и т.п.
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A simple learning management system in which admin can create and publish courses for the users.
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TWIG Template engine as a library for LEPTON-CMS
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proyecto completo web front y back de videoteca, usuarios, roles, migrations ... usando conexión a api vimeo
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