Projects with this topic
Excel-Makrovorlage zum Import der Daten von Withings-Geräten
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A microservice that renders templates the way you want. Scans/OCRs documents of many standard file types. Converts documents easily and creates thumbnails the way you want it.
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pyxl-sql is a small implementation of SQL, for excel workbooks, based on openpyxl
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Ce projet va vous permettre de pouvoir directement utiliser le paquet "phpoffice/phpspreadsheet" avec une classe prête à l'emploi.
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Data exporter plugin.
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Easy PHP XLSX Writer that is support cell styling, merged cells, multiple worksheets, images, line chart, bar chart and pie chart, huge rows and rows/columns fixing
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2048 Game AI solver made with Python, and GUI with PyGame. Uses NumPy, openpyxl, pandas.
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Grist is the evolution of spreadsheets.
Mirroring from
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Old school snake game in Microsoft Office Excel
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Demo VBA application/template illustrating MVP design pattern backed by persistent storage
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SQLite library for VBA wrapping ADODB and SQLite C-language API.
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C# library to enable detecting and processing changes made on an Excel worksheet - documentation
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Converter for Subversion commit log XML exports to Excel XML files, preserving line breaks.
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This project contains VBA class modules to send Toast notifications to users.
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IndyPy: Automate Spreadsheets talk on 2021-10-12.
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ThermoProp Toolpack VBA Excel Add-in is MS Excel add-in that allows user to get thermodynamic properties of components and mixtures of gases contained in natural gas, air, exhaust gas and nobel gases.
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Create a json file with Excel file names and sheet names within a folder