Projects with this topic
The Open Energy Tracker is an open data platform for monitoring and visualizing energy policy targets.
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Digital coins and online trading facilities for currencies that are fully backed in sustainable forms of value:
Sensible Taler Bullion for precious metals Sensible Taler Energy for tradable energy Sensible Taler Focus for human attention Sensible Taler Dinosaur for unexcavated fossil fuelsUpdated -
Analyzing political issues with data.
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A domestic open source heliostat.
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Monitor de energía con raspberry pi pico para obtener intensidad y tensión sobre el funcionamiento de dispositivos que monitorizará para posteriormente subir estos a una API que mantendrá el histórico para generar gráficas de estadísticas
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Software to turn on/off electrical loads according to available power. Allows optimizing self-consumption of renewable energies, like solar panels production.
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Homebridge Plugin to detect OhmHour
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Deploy a full featured CI/CD and metrology chain to evaluate the environmental footprint of your applications.
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eQuilibrator is a simple web interface designed to enable easy thermodynamic analysis of biochemical systems
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Equilibrio do Mix Energético Global
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Display power consumption/export via addressable RGB LED strip
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ThermoProp Toolpack VBA Excel Add-in is MS Excel add-in that allows user to get thermodynamic properties of components and mixtures of gases contained in natural gas, air, exhaust gas and nobel gases.
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Set of Python modules for the simulation of District Energy Systems and networks
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Set of Grasshopper components for interfacing with CitySim and CitySimPro.
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This is a simplified program to read the energy power consumption of the Intel Xeon Phi Card