Projects with this topic
SuperSakura, a modern engine for old visual novels etc.
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UCI chess engine written in Pascal
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TdxDBGridController is a non visual component with no dependencies providing added functionalities for the TDBGrid object.
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Raster fonts creating, editing, preview and generating C code to include into embedded software project
Создание и редактирование растровых шрифтов, предпросмотр образцов текста, генерирование кода C
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Dénombrement et génération des positions de départ au jeu des échecs aléatoires de Fischer
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FreePascal code to display data lists in TListView / TTreeView / TComboBox(Ex) with a single assignment.
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Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) lightweight (Alpine) Docker images for Linux and Windows targets
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An application that relays the messages exchanged between a user and another application
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Pascal component to use Lua, also useable in Delphi
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Eine "fpcupdeluxe" Installation auf ein externes Laufwerk verschieben.