Projects with this topic
The "KIIT Library Management System" is a comprehensive Full Stack Application developed for KIIT University using .NET Framework, C#.NET, Windows Forms, and MS SQL Server. This application integrates a C# backend with a Windows Forms frontend, executing SQL queries to manage and retrieve data such as book details, student records etc.
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Full stack development of an online storefront utilizing Ruby on Rails. JavaScript, Ruby, SQLite, and Rails.
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A React.js and Node.js web application for managing GitLab issues in real-time using web sockets and webhooks.
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Sensor App | Temperature reporting [FULL STACK + TESTING] Single page application with ascalable and reusable architecture using functional and reactive programming + NODE JS backend and JASMINE&KARMAtesting coverage
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Binar Academy Full Stack Web Developer Batch 3 - Individual projects
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A full stack cross-platform blog/marketing app with full passwordless authentication/authorization on client/server. Client side in Angular/Ionic, server in Go/chi. TX emails with SendGrid, DB is MySQL
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Coffee Shop Full Stack
Mirror from
Project Page
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Trivia API
Mirror from
Project Page
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Fyyur: Artist Booking Site
Mirror from
Project Page
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A Full stack boilerplate web app with MongoDB, Express, VueJS, NodeJS. Project will use basic CRUD operations to create, read, update and delete posts.
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Api completa para comprobar uso de vue en laravel
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Coding test given to me to utilize the TMDB database to create a small full-stack application that could search for movies through the Node backend.
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A web app to inform the user about the weather data along the GPS route. Developed using Django and Google maps API.