Projects with this topic
An open-world adventure game with horror elements.
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Tutorials for libtcod with a modern C++ focus along with more structured software engineering principles and best practices.
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Free-Source MMORPG engine, based on DOD\ECS.
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Wrapper around Gosu and MRuby to run Gosu games natively on desktop platforms (mirror)
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Classic breakout game created in SDL2 library with C++
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Cartomancer is a library written in pure C++ for the parsing of text string with conditional output.
Also provided is an example application, Foreteller, that can be used as a front-end for editing and verification of text
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Akel is a game engine made for fun by a young french man
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JACEK (Jet Another Complicated Engine Kurwa) - open source 3D game engine developed by KTNG Polygon, using C++ and Vulkan
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A tool for diagnosing errors caused by rollback networking in game engines.
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Курс "Программист C":
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A type-agnostic Entity Component System
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